Deployment Automation for Goerli testnet in 10 minutes

Hello world, happy new year to everyone. Hope you are having a great start to 2019. Today, I’m going to share a short tutorial to quickly deploy the new Goerli Proof-of-Authority cross-client test network which was originally developed at [ETHBerlin]( in September 2018 and then we, Afri (@5chdn) and ChainSafe (@chainsafeth), have been actively developing Goerli. As of now, Goerli is supported in Geth, Parity, Pantheon, Nethermind and EthereumJS. If you would like to follow the current development of Goerli, fork the Goerli testnet repo.
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Rails 5 Imgur Clone Tutorial…Part 2

Rails 5 Imgur Clone Tutorial…Part 2 Welcome to the second and final part of the Rails 5 Imgur clone, in this part, we will build the image uploading, manage configurations and then deploy to Heroku. Be sure to check out the first part here if you haven’t already. First, signup and verify a new cloudinary account by going here, it’s my referral link to cloudinary which will give me little bit extra space.
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Rails 5 Imgur Clone Tutorial…Part 1

Handle image upload and management painlessly with Carrierwave and Cloudinary and deploy on Heroku and share your photos fast with the world. Hi everyone, today I’m going to show you how to do image share and upload in your Rails 5 application very easily. This is what I have learned by browsing several outdated tutorials, blog posts and a bunch of documentation. Most of the articles out there are older Rails version 4 so, I hacked together the steps for integrating into Rails 5 which I’m currently using on some of the projects and continue to use more.
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